The Everything that couldn't be placed in one of the main categories.
Face Watch
フェイスウォッチ March 17 (?) 2015
A snazzy little wrist watch for all your timekeeping needs!
Meta Knight Patch
ワッペン Anime-Era(?)
This adorable Meta Knight patch is perfect for any backpack or jacket. If I had any extras, I'd use it in a heartbeat!
Meta Knight Patch 2
メタナイト ワッペン December 2019
Character Hat
星のカービィ帽子 April (?) 2015
A Meta Knight themed hat that was unfortunately too small for me. =(
Battle Coin
メダまル Anime Era
Meta Knight gets several coins released for this battle like game! Besides the bundle, coins were also sold in blind packages.
TsumeTsume Eraser
星のカービィ つめつめ消しゴム November 2017
I've always been a fan of mini erasers as a kid, so I was happily delighted when a set of Kirby erasers were released! Now I have a whole set of Meta Knight erasers at my disposal!
Meta Knight Cork Coaster
星のカービィ コルクコースター December 2015
Be gentle, the image flakes off! I had to make sure to place him in the right spot so he wouldn't get scratched or damaged from the other knights.
Otedama Collection
星のカービィ おてだまコレクション November 2017
A game similar to jacks or gonggi. Meta Knight gets his very own mini bean bag for it!!
Otedama Collection Ver.2
星のカービィ ふわふわおてだまコレクション June 2020
バング! Anime Era
Another type of game I'm not too familiar with. Similar to the battle coins, they were sold in bundles, or individual packages.
Crystal Jigsaw
アートクリスタルジグソー October 16 2015
A small, but still incredibly cute puzzle of Meta! I've always been a fan of Puzzles, so this was quite a treat for me!
Kirby Café Crystal Magnet
カービィカフェ限定 クリスタル マグネット August 2016
Perfect to hang super cool pics and drawings on the refrigerator! I know Kirby would! This adorable dome shaped magnet was available during the first Kirby Café!
FuwaFuwa Collection Chusen Dyed Cloth
星のカービィ ふわふ和コレクション 注染手ぬぐい August 2018
A beautiful cloth of Meta Knight from the FuwaFuwa collection. I wasn't able to display the full length of it, but the image is the same as the item below it.
FuwaFuwa Collection Folding Fan
星のカービィ ふわふ和コレクション 和扇子 August 2018
Only a few items were released of Meta Knight for the FuwaFuwa collection, and this lovely fan is one of them! Good to use for hot summer days!
Stylus & Puffy Charm- 3ds & 3DSLL
タッチペンリーシュコレクション for New ニンテンドー3DS LL June 18th 2016
Lost your stylus? No worries, Meta Knight is here to help! Both sets include one stylus, a stretchy leash for it, and a puffy Meta Knight charm!